BUS 602
Essentials of Management
Semester Units
Course Description
A demand for a new kind of manager has come to the forefront because business organizations are being challenged more than ever before to develop new resources and markets in a global economy. Whether a front line supervisor or the top executive of an enterprise, the functions of a manager are essentially the same. The manager must be able to make decisions and communicate these decisions to his organization. In order to do this, they must have the knowledge and ability to use today’s most effective management techniques in a new and exciting era of technological change.
This course is designed to present the operational theory of management and furnish a framework of management organization. It is designed around the management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. The objective of the course is to provide the student with a well- structured and varied knowledge of management disciplines.
The course covers: Management in a Global Environment – Managing Work and Organizations – Managing People in Organizations – Managing Production and Operations.
This course is required to be taken in the first term for all students in Master of Business Administration, Master of Project Management, and Master of Leadership and Management programs.
Course Learning Outcomes
Define the skills required to be an effective manager.
Discuss how an organization’s culture affects its response to its external environment.
Summarize the processes by which decisions are made in organizations.
Describe how strategic planning should be integrated with tactical and operational planning.
Identify actions managers can take to manage with the environment in mind.
Examine ways in which cultural differences across countries influence management.
Explain how managers of large companies can foster entrepreneurship.
Analyze how differentiation and integration influence an organization’s structure.
Highlight strategies and dynamic organizational concepts that can improve an organization’s responsiveness.
Summarize how unions and labor laws influence human resources management.
Detail how changes in the U.S. workforce make diversity a critical organizational and managerial issue.
Illustrate key behaviors that will make you a better leader, and identify when the situation calls for them.
Discuss ways in which people’s individual needs affect their behavior on the job.
Distinguish the new team environment compared to that of traditional work groups.
Identify ways to become a better “sender” and “receiver” of information.
Describe the basic types of financial statements and financial ratios used as controls.
Explain the key strategies to manage technology for competitive advantage.
List the approaches which are commonly used to manage change within an organization.