PMP 632
Contracting and Procurement for Project Managers and Technical Personnel
Semester Units
Course Description
This course is designed to explain the contracting process to project/program managers, engineering, technical and other functional personnel, and their roles and responsibilities in this process. It is intended to acquaint people who are carrying out the day-to-day contract work with proven methods for meeting quality, cost and schedule requirements in the complex world of contracting and subcontracting.
The course provides: (1) a broad appreciation of the contracting process; (2) familiarization with the management problems associated with various types of contracts; (3) an update on new and revised laws and regulations and management procedures; and (4) training in the various types of skills needed for the anticipation, identification and solution of contract problems, together with the use of effective communication and documentation techniques. The course curriculum is covered in-depth from both the customer’s and contractor’s viewpoint.
Course Learning Outcomes
Explain the steps in the acquisition and contracting process.
State and discuss the significance of the cornerstone federal procurement laws and identify the various sources of procurement law.
Discuss the concept of full and open competition and its seven statutory exceptions.
Explain the importance of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Differentiate between the various methods of procurement, including sealed bidding, two-step sealed bidding, and competitive proposals.
Compare and contrast between the various types of contracts including listing the various advantages/disadvantages to the government and the contractor.
State the special rules and procedures relating to acquisition of commercial items.
Identify the steps in planning, programming, budgeting and system acquisition.
Explain the significance of the statement of work.
Discuss the steps in source selection and explain their importance.
Define and discuss the significance of best value procurement.
List the various kinds of specifications and explain the relationship/significance between obtaining full and open competition and the drafting of specifications.
Identify the steps in proposal preparation and discuss how to develop a winning proposal strategy.
Discuss the various methods used to analyze proposals.
Compare and contrast a price versus a cost analysis and identify when either the government or contractor should perform either or both.
Discuss the various principles and techniques of negotiation.
Summarize the rules governing the relationship of the government with its prime contractor and the prime with its subcontractors including the rule of privity of contract and state the importance of flow-down clauses.
Compare and contrast the government’s and contractor’s rights and obligations relating to delivery, acceptance and warranties.
State the importance and outline the various kinds of changes.
Compare and contrast a termination for default and a termination for convenience.