PMP 671
Building and Managing Project Teams
Semester Units
BUS 602
Course Description
Project management takes place in a dynamic, complex and changing environment. Successful project management depends on the people and process skills of a project manager, the project team, and the performing organization managers who support the project. These skills must be integrated with the business and technical skills necessary to lead any successful project and achieve the cost, schedule and technical objectives with maximum customer satisfaction.
Course Learning Outcomes
Define project management, the project management process, and the role of project management in the workplace.
Explain classical organizational theory and how it relates to project management and project teams.
Identify types of authority found in projects and differentiate between explicit and implied power.
Explain classical management principles and identify the management functions.
Describe human motivations and behaviors and how they relate to the project environment.
Outline various formal and informal relationships found in projects.
Identify the three classical theories of management and the various theories of motivation.
Differentiate between leadership and management, identify the myths of leadership, and name the leadership traits and characteristics.
Define teams, identify the types and names of teams, and have a working understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various teams.
Acquire a working facility with the five-step team building model, and be able to apply the method to specific projects.
Identify communications systems, types of communication, their impact on the project management process and demonstrate a working knowledge of communications and listening techniques and skills.
Outline the process of problem identification and definition, identify closed versus open-ended problems, and contrast problem-solving models.
Name the different approaches to decision making and identify the appropriate use of each.
Name the types of conflict and the benefits and risks associated with each.
Describe the nature of organization process, be able to define the parameters of and appropriate uses of negotiation as a tool in the project management process.
Develop a personnel and personal improvement action plan, set realistic growth goals and establish productivity strategies.
Plan and hold successful meetings, identify alternatives, and avoid the common meeting errors.
Apply handle change in project organizations.
Design an appropriate project performance management program
Identify the influence cultural and ethnic differences have on project teams and to identify the resources for developing a successful international project team.